Top "Decode" questions

To convert some encoded data (e.g. bytes, electrical signals) to some representation ready for further processing (e.g. string, object, picture)

Best way to handle email parsing/decoding in PHP?

Currently I'm using the PEAR library's mimeDecode.php for parsing incoming emails. It seems to have a lot of issues …

php email mime decode
ASP.NET MVC Passing Raw HTML from Controller to View

I have been scratching my head about this for a few days, and I am not sure if it is …

c# html decode viewdata
How to decode unicode HTML by JavaScript?

How to use JavaScript to decode from: \u003cb\u003estring\u003c/b\u003e to <b>…

javascript unicode decode
PHP how encode/decode text with key?

Code: $result = mcrypt_ecb (MCRYPT_3DES, 'test', $string, MCRYPT_ENCRYPT); It code encode $string. But how decode $result? Tell me …

php decode encode
How to escape url encoding?

I am creating a link that creates URL parameters that contains links with URL parameters. The issue is that I …

c# url decode encode
decode base64 svg data to a svg file

I have a file containing a svg image which is base64 encoded (data-uri). The file starts with data:image/svg+…

linux svg base64 decode data-uri
Encode Base64 cannot find symbol error

It gives me a error when I try to compile it in terminal. It prints out this error: -bash-4.1$ javac …

java encoding decode encoder decoder
ORDER BY DECODE(BLAH, [COLUMN NUMBER]) on a single column query. How does it work?

Hi I need help to understand the decode part of a query that goes something like the following. SELECT ax.…

oracle select decode
how to decode base64 string to NSString in ios?

I have received some data in base64string format from JSON pasring in iphone. Now i want that data to …

iphone base64 decode
How to use Oracle's decode function in where clause

I have a query with few filter criteria, one of them is get to the query as integer parameter. I …

sql oracle decode nvl