Top "Decimalformat" questions

The Java class DecimalFormat is a concrete subclass of NumberFormat that is used to format decimal numbers.

Java: Use DecimalFormat to format doubles and integers but keep integers without a decimal separator

I'm trying to format some numbers in a Java program. The numbers will be both doubles and integers. When handling …

java integer double decimalformat
Add commas (grouping separator) to number without modifying decimals?

I'm trying to format a string to add commas between 3 digit groups EG: 1200.20 >> 1,200.20 15000 >> 15,000 I'm trying to …

java decimalformat
Format number using decimal format in kotlin

I am facing an issue where I need to do some calculations with a number like for example 5000,00 multiplied it …

android kotlin decimalformat
Formatting using DecimalFormat throws exception - "Cannot format given Object as a Number"

This might look like a repeated question but I tried in all the below links and can't get a proper …

java exception overloading illegalargumentexception decimalformat
How to use DecimalFormat to format money?

The input looks like 8.7000000 and I want to format it to look like 8.70 EUR. I considered using the DecimalFormat class: …

java android decimalformat
Change DecimalFormat locale

I have custom DecimalFormat in Edittext's addTextChangedListener method, everything is working perfectly but when I change language (locale) my addTextChangedListener …

java android bigdecimal decimalformat
Java sum of all double does not return expected result

Possible Duplicate: Moving decimal places over in a double Why is the following sum of numbers not equal to 0.4622? but 0.46219999999999994 …

java sum double floating-accuracy decimalformat
How to make 0 display as 0.00 using decimal format?

I am using the following code to make numbers display with two decimal places and thousands comma separator. public static …

java decimalformat
Remove trailing zeros from double

I would like to remove all trailing zeros without truncating or rounding the number if it doesn't have any. For …

java double decimalformat
How to import a CSV file with delimiter as ";" and decimal separator as "," into SAS?

I`ve got (and will receive in the future) many CSV files that use the semicolon as delimiter and the …

csv sas decimalformat