Top "Decimal" questions

Decimal is the name for our common base-ten numeral system.

Make TryParse compatible with comma or dot decimal separator

The problem: Let's assume you are using a dot "." as a decimal separator in your regional setting and have coded …

c# decimal tryparse regional-settings
Masked TextBox with decimal numbers

In my window application I need masked textbox which accept real decmal numbers. eg. 1) 1.56 2) 22.34 3) 123.34 4) 12312.34 This all value should be valid. …

c# winforms textbox decimal maskedtextbox
Java negative int to hex and back fails

public class Main3 { public static void main(String[] args) { Integer min = Integer.MIN_VALUE; String minHex = Integer.toHexString(Integer.MIN_…

java parsing decimal hex signed
How can I make the HTML5 number field display trailing zeroes?

I have a field: <input type='number' /> I'd like to punch in 0.50 without it “correcting it” to 0.5, so …

html input numbers decimal field
Sum of decimal number in java

I have a problem for the managemente of decimal number in java (JDK 1.4). I have two double numbers first and …

java double decimal approximation
Change the thousands separator in a ggplot

While making a bar plot with ggplot I run into troubles getting the preferred thousands separator. I would like thousands …

r ggplot2 decimal scale separator
JS- toFixed returns a string, but I need a number to 6 digits

I am working with another codebase that I have no control over, and that I cannot see. I can send …

javascript decimal precision tofixed
How to round to two decimal places PHP

I would like to round a number to two decimal places in PHP. PHP code: $bmi = ($form_state[values][submitted][1] * 703) / ($…

php drupal decimal drupal-webform
java (beginner) converting scientific notation to decimal

if double d = 1.999e-4 I want my output to be 0.0001999. How can I do it?

java decimal scientific-notation
Decimals and commas when entering a number into a Ruby on Rails form

What's the best Ruby/Rails way to allow users to use decimals or commas when entering a number into a …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 decimal biginteger comma