Top "Debug-backtrace" questions

debug_backtrace() is a PHP function that prints the backtrace.

Custom console log function, a console.log wrapper

function log( msgOrObj ){ if(dev_mode){ console.log({ 'message': msgOrObj, 'caller': arguments.callee.caller.toString() }); } } So, I have attempted to …

javascript debug-backtrace
Useful Xcode DEBUG commands to use in console

I've been wondering but haven't found anywhere an useful list of commands that are useful in Xcode. One I know, …

ios xcode debugging debug-backtrace
debug_backtrace() from registered shutdown function in PHP

While tinkering for an answer to this question, I found that debug_backtrace() doesn't trace beyond the function registered to …

php stack-trace shutdown-hook debug-backtrace
Kernel oops Oops: 80000005 on arm embedded system

Please help me to solve this Oops. I use a 1 milli sec high resolution timer and installing it as a …

linux-kernel crash-dumps omap debug-backtrace