Top "Db2" questions

DB2 is a family of database servers developed by IBM.

On DB2 for i, Search for Column, return table names in list form

I'm still a bit of a noob, so pardon if this question is a bit obvious. I did search for …

sql db2 ibm-midrange squirrel-sql
DB2 rownum equivalent

I have the below query in Oracle which I want to replicate in DB2 which uses the random function and …

sql db2 db2-luw
XAException : 2-Phase commit Rollback failing due to XA Exception

Ok a seemingly simple implementaton of 2-Phase commit is running into issues. My setup is 2 databases on a DB2 server,…

jakarta-ee transactions db2 websphere 2phase-commit
PHP/Linux to AS/400-db2

I am trying to get php on Linux Centos server access as/400 (iSeries) db2 database. I am using this IBM …

linux odbc db2 ibm-midrange
what is the upper limit for the predicate WHERE IN () db2?

what is the upper limit for predicate WHERE IN in DB2. For example: select salary from employee where empid in (1,2,3,4...…

database db2 db2-connect
Common Table Expression in Sub-Query

I would request for help in understanding which all RDBMS from Oracle, DB2, Sybase support a common table expression (CTE) …

oracle postgresql db2 sybase common-table-expression
How do I find the size of a DB2 (luw) database?

I know you can look at the size of an uncompressed backup, but that's not practical. Is there a command …

database db2 admin db2-luw
How can I select * from table, but cast one of the columns to a different datatype?

I have a table with several columns. I want to do essentially: select * from myTable and CAST(COLUMN1 as INT) …

sql db2
how to remove default constraint from column in Db2

I had a table STUDENT_TB, which had column STUDENT_ID, NAME, AGE. I added a column with a following …

sql db2 default-constraint
How do you get average of sums in SQL (multi-level aggregation)?

I have a simplified table xx as follows: rdate date rtime time rid integer rsub integer rval integer primary key …

sql db2 mainframe aggregation multi-level