DB2 is a family of database servers developed by IBM.
I'm using the following syntax TIMESTAMPDIFF(2, CHAR(CREATED - TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01 00:00:00')) where CREATED is of type TIMESTAMP …
datetime timestamp db2 epoch datetime-conversionI have some code that I want to only allow access to by one thread. I know how to accomplish …
java sql locking db2 cluster-computingInserting a second record using Hibernate 3 into DB2 v9.x where a column has a Unique primary key column Id …
java hibernate db2 hibernate-annotations object-persistenceI want to do something like this: INSERT INTO TABLEA ( COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN 3 ) SELECT FOOBAR, DOOBAR, ? FROM TABLEB And then …
sql jdbc db2 spring-jdbcI have tried the following scripts to add a not null constraint to my column. ALTER TABLE MYDB.RULES ALTER …
sql db2 db2-400 iseries-navigatorWe use a sequence in a Db2 database. Recently, we have migrated the data from an AIX server to a …
sql db2 sequences database-sequenceI need to find and clean up line breaks, carriage returns, tabs and "SUB"-characters in a set of 400k+ …
sql db2 ibm-midrange replaceI'm running jobs through Datastage with the DELETE then INSERT connector. I'm having several jobs failing for this error: DB2_…
db2 datastageThe Query below is suited in SQL sErver. But in DB2 it does not give results: Error is SQLCODE = -199, …
db2 sql-update db2-luw correlated-subquery