Top "Dax" questions

Expression language used in Microsoft Power Pivot, SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular, and Power BI for performing analytical calculations.

What's the difference between DAX and Power Query (or M)?

I have been working on Power BI for a while now and I often get confused when I browse through …

powerbi dax powerquery m
How to calculate cumulative Total and % in DAX?

This might be very simple... I have the below summary table in Power BI and need to build a Pareto …

powerbi dax running-total cumulative-sum pareto-chart
How do I SUMIF one PowerPivot table according to the rows of a second PowerPivot table?

I have two tables: one of customers ("Donor"), and one of transactions ("Trans"). In Donor, I want a "Total" column …

excel powerpivot dax
How to substitute NULL with value in Power BI when joining one to many

In my model I have table AssignedToUser that don't contain any NULL values. Table TotalCounts contains number of tasks for …

powerbi dax powerbi-embedded
A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected, when using Distinct

I have the following table: I'm trying to create a new column using Dax language: Column = DISTINCT('Edição'[Paí…

powerbi dax powerbi-datasource
Creating a Measure that returns DISTINCT COUNT by Country and Brand in Power BI

I have a table like below: Country, Advertiser, Brand, Spend C1, A1, B1, 10 C1, A1, B2, 5 C1, A2, B3, 0 C1, …

powerbi dax powerbi-desktop
Power BI - Using of filters in calculate function

Please refer below to the sample data i used: ID Name Status Dept. 1 Austin Pending MES 2 Roy Devilered DHA 3 Steven …

powerbi dax calculated-field measures
Is there a way to add line breaks in a string of text in Microsoft's DAX language?

I have a DAX function that pulls in multiple strings of text (from multiple columns) into one cell. But on …

line-breaks dax powerbi
SUM IF in Power BI

Is it possible to SUM on conditions in Power BI? I have a column that contains the values UK and …

powerbi dax powerquery
Should FILTER be used inside or outside of SUMMARIZE?

I have these two queries: EVALUATE FILTER ( SUMMARIZE ( 'Sales', Products[ProductName], 'Calendar'[CalendarYear], "Total Sales Amount", SUM ( Sales[SalesAmount] ), "Total …
