Top "Datepicker" questions

A datepicker is a user interface element in many frameworks that allows a user to choose a date and also, in some cases, time, often through a visual calendar.

UIDatePicker - Problem Localizing

I've created a UIDatePicker in my app and I also have support for several languages. My UIDatePicker is created in …

iphone cocoa datepicker ipod-touch uidatepicker
Foundation 5 Datepicker failing, or is it me

OK, I am running FOundation 5 with SASS I downloaded the Datepicker by Peter Beno here: …

jquery css datepicker zurb-foundation-5
ERROR Error: mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl

I have used mat-date-picker inside my application, the html file looks like this : <mat-form-field> <input matInput [matDatepicker]="…

datepicker angular-material angular5 angular-calendar
ngBootstrap for Angular 4 DatePicker in a Reactive Form is Always Required

Using a reactive form I've added the ngbDatePicker: <input type="text" id="business_incorp_date" class="form-control" formControlName="business_…

angular datepicker ng-bootstrap
jQuery Mobile Force hide soft keypad on focusing text input field

I have a date field on a PHP website and I'm using jQuery Mobile for mobile site. While browsing the …

jquery-mobile datepicker soft-keyboard
JQuery datepicker numberOfMonths: display current selection month last

I have a jquery datepicker with the numberOfMonths set to 3, currently when I click on the datepicker, the left side …

jquery datepicker uidatepicker
Ant design date and time pickers do not pass value through Formik (react)

I'm currently working on a booking form which is in React using Formik. I've also incorporated Ant Design's Date Picker …

reactjs datepicker formik ant-design-pro
Removing all CSS from telerik controls

I'm using Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET and wondered if there was any way to turn off/stop the CSS … css datepicker telerik axd
Throwing error RangeError: Invalid time value while setting custom date to DatePicker of react-datepicker

I'm trying to set selected parameter as default date of DatePicker of react-datepicker. Basically date which I'm getting from database …

javascript reactjs datepicker momentjs react-datepicker
Creating a date range fields with pikaday datepicker

I'm trying to use the pikaday datepicker, I'm trying to avoid jquery datepicker because of its dependancies and heavy images, …

javascript datepicker pikaday