Top "Datepicker" questions

A datepicker is a user interface element in many frameworks that allows a user to choose a date and also, in some cases, time, often through a visual calendar.

WPF DatePicker to show the time as well as the date

I have a DatePicker object in a DataGrid that successfully shows the date from the database or a property: <…

wpf xaml datepicker datetimepicker
How to set minDate for ng-bootstrap datepicker

Below is the code I am using to set the minDate <input ngbDatepicker #d="ngbDatepicker" [minDate]="minDate" [formControl]="Form.…

angular datepicker ng-bootstrap
Bootstrap DatePicker - Onchange

I am using the Bootstrap 3 Datepicker plugin. When the user chooses a date, I want to update various parts of …

twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4 datepicker eonasdan-datetimepicker
Datepicker and timepicker - set max and min values

I am trying to make something like a reminder app. I want to allow the user to select date and …

java android datepicker timepicker
altFormat not working in jQuery datepicker input field

I have date field (id begin-date) $( "#begin-date" ).datepicker({ minDate: -20, maxDate: "+1M +10D", dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd", altFormat: "yymmdd" }); On post, it …

jquery jquery-ui datepicker jquery-ui-datepicker
Rails date/time picker (hopefully jquery)

Looking for a date and datetime picker that will integrate fairly seamlessly with Rails. I'm sure some people must be …

jquery ruby-on-rails datepicker
Date input validation using ng-change, AngularJS

I's using AngularJS and AngularJS bootstrap in my page. I have a date picker directive that looks like this: <…

javascript angularjs datepicker angular-ui-bootstrap angularjs-ng-change
Can not retrieve date from JDateChooser in Java

I am using JDateChooser from here However I can not retrieve the date in format set with the method setDateFormatString …

java swing netbeans datepicker jcalendar
Sonata Admin Bundle: DatePicker range

How would I create a doctrine_orm_datetime_range filter in the Sonata Admin Bundle which uses the jQuery UI …

datepicker symfony-2.1 jquery-ui-datepicker symfony-sonata sonata-admin
Android: timepicker and datepicker in the same dialog box

I am developing an app for android. I have created a timepickerdialog and a datepickerdialog, but the problem is, both …

android datepicker dialog timepicker