Top "Datejs" questions

Datejs is an open-source JavaScript library for working with dates.

Work with a time span in Javascript

Using Date.js already, but can also use another library if necessary. Not sure what is the best way to …

javascript date datetime timespan datejs
Parse 'Date & Time' string in Javascript which are of custom format

I have to parse a date and time string of format "2015-01-16 22:15:00". I want to parse this into JavaScript …

javascript jquery momentjs datejs datetime-parsing
Add 30 days to a Current date - JS

I want to add 30 days to current date and get in a format. Im confused to add a 30 to a …

javascript datejs
Get utc offset from timezone in Javascript

I need a Javascript function that given a timezone, returns the current utc offset. For example, theFuncIneed('US/Eastern') -&…

javascript timezone datejs
Date.js parseExact() not parsing 4 digit years when passed in as an array

Am I missing something with Date.parseExact() in date.js? According to the api documentation, I should be able to …

javascript jquery datejs
Comparing two dates with javascript or datejs (date difference)

I am trying to compare two dates which are in Finnish time form like this: or d.…

javascript date time datejs
Convert JavaScript DateTime to UTC with no milliseconds

Right now I'm trying to parse a date that's written in a human-readable format into a DateTime String that a …

datetime momentjs datejs sharepoint-online spservices