Top "Date-parsing" questions

Date-parsing refers to programming logic which reads one or more parameters, attempts to match it to a supported or specified date format, then returns the resulting Date if successful.

Convert string to date in specific format

How do I convert a string to a date type in SQL Server 2008 R2? My string is formatted dd/mm/…

sql sql-server tsql sql-server-2008-r2 date-parsing
Problem with date formats in JavaScript with different browsers

I am working with dates in an RSS feed, but am finding differing results when using the code below in …

javascript datetime date-format date-parsing
Convert Date String to another Date string with different format

I need to convert an string date with format yyyyMMdd to a date string with format MM/dd/yyyy. Which …

c# date-conversion date-parsing
parse this type of date format in java?

what would be the easiest way to parse this date format below in java?: 2010-09-18T10:00:00.000+01:00 i read the …

java date date-parsing
d3.js v4 timeParse() not working?

I saw a lot of examples doing the same, but the d3.timeParse() function just doesn't work as expected in …

javascript d3.js date-parsing
JavaScript AM/PM time comparison

Suppose I have 2 datetime variables: var fromdt = "2013/05/29 12:30 PM"; var todt = "2013/05/29 01:30 AM"; I want to compare these 2 datetimes. How can I …

javascript jquery datetime date-parsing
Inconsistent date parsing using SimpleDateFormat

I'm really scratching my head on this one. I've been using SimpleDateFormats with no troubles for a while, but now, …

java date simpledateformat date-parsing