Top "Date-parsing" questions

Date-parsing refers to programming logic which reads one or more parameters, attempts to match it to a supported or specified date format, then returns the resulting Date if successful.

convert String "yyyy-MM-dd" to LocalDateTime

Is there any way to convert a date String to LocalDateTime where the format "yyyy-MM-dd" ? If I try this: DateTimeFormatter …

java date java-8 date-parsing
How do I parse RFC 3339 datetimes with Java?

I'm trying to parse the date returned as a value from the HTML5 datetime input field. Try it in Opera …

java datetime html date-parsing rfc3339
How to convert string to datetime?

I have the following string: '2017-08-15T13:34:35Z' How to convert this string to object that I can …

python python-3.x datetime date-parsing
Java: Unable to obtain LocalDate from TemporalAccessor

I am trying to change the format of a String date from EEEE MMMM d to MM/d/yyyy by, …

java java-time date-parsing localdate
Fastest way to parse a YYYYMMdd date in Java

When parsing a YYYYMMdd date, e.g. 20120405 for 5th April 2012, what is the fastest method? int year = Integer.parseInt(dateString.…

java parsing date date-parsing
Ruby parse date string

I need to parse a date string mentioned below to std date format. Is there a built in function in …

ruby date date-format date-parsing
Simpledateformat unparseable date

I have a String in a database (match.getDate) that has the following date format: 01/04/2018 This is the date I …

java android date simpledateformat date-parsing
mustache.js date formatting

I have started using mustache.js and so far I am very impressed. Although two things puzzle me. The first …

string json mustache date-parsing
Convert UTC to local time with NSDateFormatter

I am getting the following string from a server in my iOS app: 20140621-061250 How can I convert it to …

cocoa cocoa-touch time nsdateformatter date-parsing
JDK8: unable to parse LocalTime

I managed to parse a String to a LocalDate object: DateTimeFormatter f1=DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd MM yyyy"); LocalDate d=LocalDate.…

java java-8 date-parsing