Top "Dataitem" questions

Using '<%# Eval("item") %>'; Handling Null Value and showing 0 against

If dataitem is Null I want to show 0 <asp:Label ID="Label18" Text='<%# Eval("item") %>' … dataitem
ASP.Net - Getting data from RepeaterItem

I'm pretty new to ASP.Net and I'm not sure I'm going about this the right way. I have a …

c# repeater checkbox dataitem
Accessing the data or dataItem used to bind a gridview

I have a gridview for which I programmatically set the datasource and databind it to a collection of objects. For …

c# gridview dataitem
ASP.Net repeater item.DataItem is null

Within a webpage, upon loading, I fill a dataset with two table with a relation between those tables and then … null repeater dataitem
How to get the value of a textbox on RadGrid ItemCommand event handler when using a Custom Command?

I'm using RadGrid Form Templates as below; <EditFormSettings EditFormType="Template"> <FormTemplate> <table id="tblEditForm" cellpadding="2" …

c# html radgrid dataitem
ASP.NET / DataItem of DataList is null after Postback

After postback (click on a button) in my ASP.NET form, all the DataItem of my form are null. Why? … null postback datalist dataitem
In DataList ItemdataBound event, how to access by column name instead of by ItemArray index

In the following code, strUsername is always returning as an empty string "" (and so are other columns). However if I … datalist itemdatabound dataitem
Getting data from GridView on Button_Click

My problem is: I have a GridView, which is bound to list of declared DTO objects with column of CheckBoxes. … gridview postback buttonclick dataitem
DataItem on Repeater.Items is always null

I am setting the DataSource of my repeater to a List (MyProducts is a simple class, consisting of only get/… null repeater dataitem