I am new to PostgreSQL and want to create a database using a stored function.
For ex:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mt_test(dbname character varying)
RETURNS integer AS
Create Database $1;
Select 1;
When I am trying to execute this function I get a syntax error.
Does Postgres support the CREATE DATABASE
statement in stored functions?
This question is old, but for the sake of completeness ...
As has been pointed out in other answers, that's not simply possible because (per documentation):
cannot be executed inside a transaction block.
It has also been reported that the restriction can be bypassed with dblink
How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?
What was missing so far is a proper function actually doing it:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_create_db(dbname text)
RETURNS integer AS
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = dbname) THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Database already exists';
PERFORM dblink_exec('dbname=' || current_database() -- current db
, 'CREATE DATABASE ' || quote_ident(dbname));
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Checks if the db already exists in the local cluster. If not, proceed to create it - with a sanitized identifier. We would not want to invite SQL injection.