A description of the structure of the database - including the structure of the tables, columns, constraints, views, etc, etc.
What is the purpose of the ConcurrencyStamp column in the AspNetUsers table in the new ASP.NET MVC 6 identity? This …
asp.net-mvc concurrency database-schema identity asp.net-core-mvcI hope the title is somewhat helpful. I'm using MySQL as my database I am building a database of products …
sql schema e-commerce database-schema entity-attribute-valueAccording to this blog post most companies using EF Migrations are supposedly not updating the database schema of production databases …
c# entity-framework database-schema entity-framework-migrationsI have a PostgreSQL database for my Rails application. In the schema named 'public' the main Rails models tables are …
ruby-on-rails postgresql models database-schema schema-designI know how to set the schema for a table in my context but is there a way to set …
c# entity-framework entity-framework-6 database-schemaI am breaking my mind up thinking about a good document structure for handling a message app. I basically need …
mongodb database-schema bsonI am trying to build a messaging/chat system. which can store conversation between two people in a chronological order. …
mysql database database-design database-schemaI am attempting to compare schemas of two databases on the same server. The two databases are named benchmarkdb and …
sql-server database-schema visual-studio-2017 schema-compareWe're using the orm sequelize.js and have defined a model as such: module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) { var Source = …
javascript postgresql orm database-schema sequelize.jsI've been trying to solve this one all week, help very much appreciated. I have various schemas in a postgres …
django postgresql schema database-schema