Top "Database-restore" questions

How can I query how much time a SQL server database restore takes?

Im trying to write a query that will tell me how much time a restore (full or log) has taken …

sql-server sql-server-2008 restore database-restore
Restore Backup Access Denied

I'm trying to restore a backup from a .bak file to a local database server and keep getting the error …

sql-server backup restore database-restore
how to backup a django db

I have a Django application that uses a Postgres database. I need to be able to backup and restore the …

django database-backups database-restore
Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use

I'm using following code to restore databases, void Restore(string ConnectionString, string DatabaseFullPath, string backUpPath) { string sRestore = "USE [master] RESTORE …

c# sql tsql database-restore
Possible to rollback changes to MySQL databases without any form of backup

I understand I might be asking the impossible but, well never hurts to try. Is it possible to rollback changes …

mysql database-restore
Restoring a database from .bak file on another machine

I've not done much SQL and am still pretty new to this, so please excuse what's probably a basic question. …

sql sql-server database database-restore
Why is "close existing connections to destination database" grayed out on SQL Server 2012 Management Studio?

I am normally using SQL Server 2012 Management Studio to restore a SQL Server database from a "bak" file. I do …

sql-server database sql-server-2012 ssms database-restore
Import large .sql file into MySQL

I have been given a VERY large mysql backup file. It is ~630 MB... I guess someone thought it was a …

mysql mysql-workbench database-restore
Database is in Transition state

Today I was trying to restore a database over an already existing database, I simply right clicked the database in …

sql-server sql-server-2008 database-backups database-restore
Convert a PostgreSQL dump into a MySQL dump

I have a Postgres dump file and I need to turn it into a MySQL dump so I can create …

mysql database postgresql database-restore database-dump