Top "Database-restore" questions

script to restore database sql server from bak file, doesn't work

I have an empty database: DB_Clients And I want to restore the database from a .bak file: OldDBClients.bak …

sql-server database-restore sql-scripts
Enabling broker after Restoring Sql Server DataBase

I have DataBase with enabled Service Broker. Then I want to restore my database in program from backup of other …

sql-server sql-server-2008 database-restore service-broker
Fully automated SQL Server Restore

I'm not very fluent with SQL Server commands. I need a script to restore a database from a .bak file …

sql-server tsql database-restore
How to backup MySQL database on a remote server?

I have a MySQL database existing on a remote server. I only have sql connection privilege. I don't have FTP …

mysql database backup remote-server database-restore
postgresql- restoring .dump file

I am new for psql. I got from my server data.dump file. I need to restore it in my …

postgresql dump database-restore
SQL syntax error near gunzip when restoring a database using .sql.gz file

I am trying to restore a mysql db using a .sql.gz file. I am using mySql console to run …

mysql database windows phpmyadmin database-restore
PostgreSQL 9.1 pg_restore error regarding PLPGSQL

I am using Postgres for a django project and I am currently implementing a database backup/restore system that as …

postgresql plpgsql database-restore
Restore MySQL database folder from a recovered Hard Disk

I was able to recover the database folder of MySQL server 5.5 of the corrupted operating system (Windows XP) at C:\…

mysql database-restore
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database?

I have implemented a BackupAgentHelper using the provided FileBackupHelper to backup and restore the native database I have. This is …

android database restore database-restore android-backup-service

I'm trying to write an automated backup and restore T-SQL scripts. I've done BACKUP part but I'm struggling on RESTORE. …

sql-server tsql database-restore