Top "Database-deadlocks" questions

In databases, when multiple processes alter the same table or row, each can lock a table or row.

Identifying and Resolving Oracle ITL Deadlock

I have an Oracle DB package that is routinely causing what I believe is an ITL (Interested Transaction List) deadlock. …

oracle oracle10g database-deadlocks
Magento deadlocks

I am using Magento Community Edition and I have encountered a big problem - deadlocks and "Lock wait timeout exceeded" …

magento database-deadlocks
How do I identify a deadlock in SQL Azure?

I have a Windows Azure role that consists of two instances. Once in a while a transaction will fail with …

sql-server azure deadlock azure-sql-database database-deadlocks
How to find out the cause of an Oracle deadlock

When testing my application with multiple users, I have encountered an ORA-00060 deadlock error. I'm not sure how to determine …

sql oracle database-deadlocks
How to properly handle InnoDB deadlocks in Java/JDBC?

I am working on a theory basis here, I want to make sure all my bases are covered. I have …

java mysql innodb deadlock database-deadlocks
Query to check deadlock status of table in postgres

I want to check whether deadlock cleared or not in system tables of Postgres and ORACLE. Kindly suggest me on …

oracle postgresql deadlock database-deadlocks
SQL Server Deadlock Fix: Force join order, or automatically retry?

i have a stored procedure that performs a join of TableB to TableA: SELECT <--- Nested <--- TableA …

sql-server error-handling sql-server-2000 deadlock database-deadlocks
SQL Server database: INSERT query blocked with wait type LCK_M_IX

Our Java application cleans up the data from log table through a cron job. Here is the query which is …

sql-server database database-deadlocks locks
What is meant by Transaction not started in SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS?

Here are the few lines of response of 'SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS;' TRANSACTIONS ------------ Trx id counter 58EC54C6 …

mysql innodb database-deadlocks
Deadlocks w/Entity Framework - how to rerun the transaction?

Got a bit of a tough situation here: we're experiencing occasional deadlocks in our system. And I don't have a …

entity-framework transactionscope database-deadlocks