Top "Database-deadlocks" questions

In databases, when multiple processes alter the same table or row, each can lock a table or row.

Mysql - Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when try to get lock; try restarting transaction

I have menus, categories and products tables. I am using mysql 5.5, All tables are innoDB and in all cases id …

mysql locking database-deadlocks table-locking
How to do a safe "SELECT FOR UPDATE" with a WHERE condition over multiple tables on a DB2?

Problem On a DB2 (version 9.5) the SQL statement SELECT o.Id FROM Table1 o, Table2 x WHERE [...] FOR UPDATE WITH …

db2 database-deadlocks
Deadlock error in INSERT statement

We've got a web-based application. There are time-bound database operations (INSERTs and UPDATEs) in the application which take more time …

sql postgresql database-deadlocks
How to resolve SQL Server deadlocks - once changing order and shortening queries is exhausted?

i have two hypothetical queries: UPDATE BankAccounts SET HomePhone = '+1 252-555-0912' WHERE AccountNumber = 14400000619 and SELECT * FROM BankAccounts WHERE …

sql-server sql-server-2008-r2 database-deadlocks
Sybase ASE: "Your server command encountered a deadlock situation"

When running a stored procedure (from a .NET application) that does an INSERT and an UPDATE, I sometimes (but not …

sql stored-procedures sap-ase database-deadlocks
How to get table name from database id, file id, page id in MS SQL 2008?

I've deadlock graph in which the locked resource is mentioned by these three fields DB ID, File ID, Page ID. …

sql-server database database-deadlocks dbcc
Deadlocks in PostgreSQL when running UPDATE

I'm a little bit confused reading about PostgreSQL deadlocks. A typical deadlock example is: -- Transaction 1 UPDATE customer SET ... WHERE …

postgresql transactions database-deadlocks
Trigger causing a deadlock?

I'm running into a deadlock after I added a trigger. There is a UserBalanceHistory table which has one row for …

sql-server sql-server-2008 triggers deadlock database-deadlocks
Postgres UPDATE with ORDER BY, how to do it?

I need to do a Postgres update on a collection of records & I'm trying to prevent a deadlock which …

postgresql database-deadlocks
How to solve Index/Key related Deadlock

I have diagnosed a deadlock problem in my sql server using the deadlock graph in SQL Server 2008. The problem has …

sql-server sql-server-2008 tsql concurrency database-deadlocks