A database connection is a facility that allows client software to communicate with database server software, whether on the same machine or not.
I tried to look at the data connection between my visual studio and SQL server, however it keeps on saying "…
asp.net visual-studio sql-server-2008 database-connection sqlclientWhile my assumption may seem to sound subjective, after some research, I found that it's not uncommon to find developers …
c# vb.net transactions database-connection using-statementDim rs as ADODB.Recordset set rs = ReturnARecordset 'assume ReturnARecordset does just that... 'do something with rs rs.Close set …
vb6 database-connection adodbhey all im trying to connect my php application to an interbase database and i get the following error Fatal …
php database-connection interbaseWhenever I have an application using ActiveRecord I get this ConnectionTimeoutError - but always after a certain unknown period of …
ruby-on-rails activerecord ruby-on-rails-3.1 database-connection connection-timeoutSimilar to another post I made, this answers that post and creates a new question. Recap: I need to update …
python database-connection multiprocessingI installed SQL Server 2012 but not able to connection to express instance getting below error: A network-related or instance-specific error …
connection database-connection windows-authentication sql-server-2012-expressI'm trying to see the contents of a collection using MongoDB Compass. I have username/password authentication set up. I …
mongodb database-connection database-administration mongodb-compassI'm using HikariCP 2.4.7 for connection pool. Everything is fine just after starting the application but after some time without invoking …
java database-connection connection-pooling jooq hikaricpi am very new to MongoDB and NoSQL in general and i've just started building a site with MongoDB / Norm / …
mongodb database-connection mongodb-.net-driver scoping norm