Top "Database-cleaner" questions

Database Cleaner is a set of strategies for cleaning your database in Ruby, primarily for testing purposes.

Rspec - How to clean the database after each test

I have a feature spec with Capybara for a login page, and I am using FactoryGirl + DatabaseCleaner require 'rails_helper' …

ruby-on-rails rspec capybara factory-bot database-cleaner
Is DatabaseCleaner still necessary with Rails system specs?

From all that I've read about Rails 5.1 new system specs my understanding was that Rails now handles database transactions internally. …

ruby-on-rails rspec ruby-on-rails-5 database-cleaner
How can I clean my database between erroneous rspec specs?

I have added the database_cleaner gem to my rails application in order to clean my database between specs. Here's …

ruby-on-rails rspec factory-bot guard database-cleaner