Top "Database-administration" questions

the aspects of database usage not directly related to the insertion and extraction of information, such as security, configuration and performance tuning

How to enable Audit Trail on PostgreSQL

I am currently using PostgreSQL 9.1. I want to enable pg Audit Trail. Can someone please help me with that as …

postgresql postgresql-9.1 database-administration
MySQL Cluster ERROR 1296 (HY000): Got error 157 'Unknown error code' from NDBCLUSTER

Today my datacenter had a breaker fail which resulted in my servers losing power. I'm running a 4 node MySQL cluster. …

mysql database-administration mysql-cluster
Log inserted/updated/deleted rows in all tables for a given database in SQL Server 2008

Whats the best way to track/Log inserted/updated/deleted rows in all tables for a given database in SQL …

database sql-server-2008 database-administration audit-trail
PostgreSQL: How to enable autovacuum?

How does one enable autovacuum in PostgreSQL? I understand the purpose, I just can't find a simple answer regarding how …

postgresql database-administration vacuum autovacuum
sufficient page size does not exist - DB2 insert

I am having a DB2 query(simple insert statement) which is trying to insert some 27 columns. Out of those columns 1 …

db2 database-administration
Postgres 9 super slow simple delete

I have a substantial database... not a very large one - around 1gb of data in total. I need to …

sql postgresql database-administration
The transaction log for database 'tempdb' is full

I have only read permission to the database I'm querying in. The same query was working for since yesterday but …

sql sql-server sql-server-2012 database-administration sql-server-administration
PL/SQL maximum size of VARRAY

I'm trying to figure out the possible upper bound of VARRAY in PL/SQL. We sure can define VARRAY type …

oracle plsql size database-administration varray
how to move a mysql database to another mount point

I have a MySQL database, it is getting larger and larger and I want to move the whole database to …

mysql database-administration
VACUUM cannot be executed from a function or multi-command string

I have written a script, using PL/pgSQL, that I run in pgAdmin III. The script deletes existing DB contents …

postgresql postgresql-9.2 database-administration