Top "Data-fitting" questions

Data fitting is to fit a line through a data set i.e. a series of data points.

Fitting a closed curve to a set of points

I have a set of points pts which form a loop and it looks like this: This is somewhat similar …

python numpy scipy curve-fitting data-fitting
Fitting an ellipse to a set of data points in python

I have a 2D points (x,y), and I want to fit the ellipse using this post fit a ellipse …

python numpy matplotlib data-fitting
Why does scipy.optimize.curve_fit not fit correctly to the data?

I've been trying to fit a function to some data for a while using scipy.optimize.curve_fit but I …

python numpy matplotlib curve-fitting data-fitting
Fit a distribution to a histogram

I want to know the distribution of my data points, so first I plotted the histogram of my data. My …

python scipy data-fitting
Fitting data to system of ODEs using Python via Scipy & Numpy

I am having some trouble translating my MATLAB code into Python via Scipy & Numpy. I am stuck on how …

python numpy scipy differential-equations data-fitting
Fit a sigmoid to my data using MATLAB

I have a lot of data, and I think it is possible to fit it to a sigmoid (this thought …

matlab curve-fitting data-fitting
gnuplot - Does `set xrange [x_min:x_max]` limit the ranged used for function fit?

Simple question - the range drawn on a plot can be changed with the set xrange [x_min:x_max] …

gnuplot curve-fitting data-fitting xrange function-fitting
Lorentzian scipy.optimize.leastsq fit to data fails

Since I took a lecture on Python I wanted to use it to fit my data. Although I have been …

python numpy scipy least-squares data-fitting
R: Robust fitting of data points to a Gaussian function

I need to do some robust data-fitting operation. I have bunch of (x,y) data, that I want to fit …

r data-fitting
How To Fit Multivariate Normal Distribution To Data In MATLAB?

I'm trying to fit a multivariate normal distribution to data that I collected, in order to take samples from it. …

matlab distribution probability normal-distribution data-fitting