Top "Dart-async" questions

dart:async is a Dart library for asynchronous operations.

Flutter - setState not updating inner Stateful Widget

Basically I am trying to make an app whose content will be updated with an async function that takes information …

android dart flutter dart-async
Getting values from Future instances

My data is something like this: { "five": { "group": { "one": { "order": 2 }, "six": { "order": 1 } }, "name": "Filbert", "skill": "databases" }, "four": { "group": { "three": { "order": 2 }, "…

dart dart-async
is there any way to cancel a dart Future?

In a Dart UI, I have a button [submit] to launch a long async request. The [submit] handler returns a …

dart dart-async
Wait for future to complete

I use my postgres database query to determine my next action. And I need to wait for the results before …

dart dart-async
DART: syntax of future then

I don´t understand the syntax of the then() clause. 1. myFuture(6).then( (erg) => print(erg) ) What´s (erg) => …

dart dart-async
Completer and Future in dart?

Future readData() { var completer = new Completer(); print("querying"); pool.query('select,, p.age,, t.…

dart dart-async
How do you get the current stacktrace in Dart for a Completer.CompleteException(exception, stackTrace);

If some code returns a future and determines that the future should return "Error" or "Exception" how can a stack …

dart dart-async
Flutter BLoC pattern - How can I navigate to another screen after a stream event?

My question is about navigation used with the BLoC pattern. In my LoginScreen widget I have a button that adds …

dart flutter dart-async reactive-streams
How can I merge multiple Streams into a higher level Stream?

I have two streams, Stream<A> and Stream<B>. I have a constructor for a type …

dart dart-async
How do I do the equivalent of setTimeout + clearTimeout in Dart?

I'm porting some JavaScript to Dart. I have code that uses window.setTimeout to run a callback after a period …

dart settimeout dart-async