Top "D3.js" questions


How do I display dates on the x-axis for nvd3 / d3.js?

I'm using nvd3, but I think this is a general d3.js question about time scale and formatting. I've created …

d3.js nvd3.js
A good book for learning D3.js

I saw D3.js and I was interested so I bought this book! I may be wrong, however I found …

javascript d3.js data-visualization
Javascript library d3 call function

I am not able to understand how works and when and where to use that. Here is the …

javascript d3.js
What is the difference between svg's x and dx attribute?

What is the difference between svg's x and dx attribute (or y and dy)? When would be a proper time …

svg d3.js
What is the d3.js v4.0 equivalent for d3.scale.category10()?

I'm trying to learn d3 with the Interactive Web Visualization book, but a lot has changed with version 4.0. One thing …

How do I include newlines in labels in D3 charts?

I'm using D3 to generate a bar chart (I adapted the code from this example). The labels I'm using on …

javascript svg d3.js
How can I bring a circle to the front with d3?

First of all, I am using d3.js to display different sized circles in arrays. On mouse over, I want …

javascript d3.js visualization
How to set text color for my d3 chart title?

I have my d3 chart title, text append on the svg as per below: svg.append("text") .attr("x", (width / 2)) .…

javascript text svg colors d3.js
How to update axis using d3.js

I'm trying to display different data on a graph. The user can change the displayed data clicking on a radio …

How to properly add and use D3 Events?

I'm having trouble understanding using D3 events and dispatch functions. I have a chart example that I've been working on …

events d3.js dispatch