Top "D3.js" questions


Python equivalent of D3.js

Can anyone recommend a Python library that can do interactive graph visualization? I specifically want something like d3.js but …

python graph d3.js graph-tool
d3 add text to circle

I am trying to add some text into circle. I have been following example from a mbostock tutorial, but wasn't …

javascript svg d3.js
How do I shut down a python simpleHTTPserver?

So I'm trying to learn d3, and the wiki suggested that To view the examples locally, you must have a …

python d3.js simplehttpserver
d3 is not defined - ReferenceError

I am trying to use a "fancy graph" found at The way I've done it …

javascript d3.js referenceerror sunburst-diagram
How do I remove all children elements from a node and then apply them again with different color and size?

So I have the next force layout graph code for setting nodes, links and other elements: var setLinks = function () { link = …

d3.js force-layout
rotate x axis text in d3

I am new to d3 and svg coding and am looking for a way to rotate text on the xAxis …

text svg transform d3.js
What is the difference D3 datum vs. data?

Can someone please explain the difference between datum() and data() in D3.js? I see both being used and I …

javascript d3.js
d3 axis labeling

How do I add text labels to axes in d3? For instance, I have a simple line graph with an …

javascript d3.js axis-labels
Updating SVG Element Z-Index With D3

What is an effective way to bring an SVG element to the top of the z-order, using the D3 library? …

javascript svg d3.js
Adding a chart legend in D3

I am having trouble adding a chart legend to my d3js chart. Here is my current approach: var legend = …

d3.js legend