Top "Cypher" questions

Cypher is a graph query language for Neo4j and AgensGraph.

Return node if relationship is not present

I'm trying to create a query using cypher that will "Find" missing ingredients that a chef might have, My graph …

neo4j cypher
How to reset / clear / delete neo4j database?

We can delete all nodes and relationships by following query. MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() DELETE n,…

database neo4j cypher
Adding relationship to existing nodes with Cypher

I'm trying out Neo4j for the first time. I'm using the 2.0-RC1 community edition. I've created some nodes: MERGE (…

neo4j cypher
Show all Nodes and Relationships in Data Browser Tab

How can I show all nodes and relationships in Data Browser tab? What are sample index queries that I can …

neo4j cypher
Neo4j: Get all nodes in a graph, even those that are unconnected by relationships

Using Cypher how can I get all nodes in a graph? I am running some testing against the graph and …

neo4j cypher
LIKE clause in CYPHER Query

It appears that LIKE is not supported in Cypher queries. Is there any other construct that would perform the same …

neo4j cypher
neo4j how to return all node labels with Cypher?

I can't find how to return a node labels with Cypher. Anybody knows the syntax for this operation?

neo4j cypher
Neo4j - Is there a cypher query syntax to list (show) all indexes in DB?

I'm looking for something similar to the MySQL ( SHOW INDEXES ). I was able to get a list of indexes using …

neo4j cypher indexing
Neo4j - Cypher vs Gremlin query language

I'm starting to develop with Neo4j using the REST API. I saw that there are two options for performing …

neo4j graph-databases cypher gremlin
Neo4j: Match multiple labels (2 or more)

I would like to do a search, and I would like to start traversing from 2 labels (OR condition). For example, …

neo4j cypher