Top "Cursor" questions


SQL FETCH, Cursors and RPG

I am not sure what is wrong with my code, I am trying to make a while loop that will …

sql cursor rpgle rpg sql-fetch
SimpleCursorAdapter with Sections in Android

Im at a bit of loss on this one on how to produce sections in a ListView when you use …

android listview cursor sections
Python-Oracle Passing in a Cursor Out Parameter

I am trying to call a stored procedure between python and an oracle db. The problem I am having is …

python oracle cursor cx-oracle
Oracle, how to open cursor and select one column of many into a variable

I have a Oracle stored procedure returning a reference cursor. I want to open the cursor before i return it …

oracle stored-procedures cursor fetch select-into
Python tkinter entrybox cursor

I have a tkinter page that will ask for user name and password( 2 entry boxes are used for this purpose). …

python tkinter cursor tkinter-entry
Hide QLineEdit blinking cursor

I am working on QT v5.2 I need to hide the blinking cursor (caret) of QLineEdit permanently. But at the …

qt cursor hide caret qlineedit
POJO's versus Cursors in Android

I usually tend to define the model layer of my apps using POJO's, such as Article, Comment, etc. I was …

android cursor pojo
HTML5 or JQuery Full Screen Crosshair Cursor

We've all seen those military movies with that full screen crosshair cursor on the computers, or even in some animations …

jquery html cursor fullscreen panning
Using Eclipse TableViewer, how do I navigate and edit cells with arrow keys?

I am using a TableViewer with a content provider, label provider, a ICellModifier and TextCellEditors for each column. How can …

eclipse cursor jface tableviewer
foxpro cursor size

This seems like such an easy problem, but I can't seem to find a solution anywhere. My co-worker and I …

cursor foxpro