Getting error during running Cucumber feature file Unknown option: --plugin

Pankaj Kumar picture Pankaj Kumar · Jul 20, 2016 · Viewed 10.4k times · Source
Usage: java cucumber.api.cli.Main [options] [ [FILE|DIR][:LINE[:LINE]*] ]+


-g, --glue PATH                    Where glue code (step definitions and hooks) is loaded from.
-f, --format FORMAT[:PATH_OR_URL]  How to format results. Goes to STDOUT unless PATH_OR_URL is specified.
                                   Built-in FORMAT types: junit, html, pretty, progress, json.
                                   FORMAT can also be a fully qualified class name.
-t, --tags TAG_EXPRESSION          Only run scenarios tagged with tags matching TAG_EXPRESSION.
-n, --name REGEXP                  Only run scenarios whose names match REGEXP.
-d, --[no-]-dry-run                Skip execution of glue code.
-m, --[no-]-monochrome             Don't colour terminal output.
-s, --[no-]-strict                 Treat undefined and pending steps as errors.
    --snippets                     Snippet name: underscore, camelcase
    --dotcucumber PATH_OR_URL      Where to write out runtime information. PATH_OR_URL can be a file system
                                   path or a URL.
-v, --version                      Print version.
-h, --help                         You're looking at it.
Exception in thread "main" cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Unknown option: --plugin
at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions.parse(

at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions.<init>(
at cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions.<init>(
at cucumber.api.cli.Main.main(

I am getting this error during running my feature file. PoM dependency is given below and I am using 3.2.4 Spring version with cucumber veriosn 1.1.5


MikeJRamsey56 picture MikeJRamsey56 · Jul 22, 2016

Looks like you are using a very old version of cucumber-jvm that is looking for


instead of


The latest cucumber-jvm usage text can be found here.

Get the latest cucumber-jvm from the Maven repository as described here or here.