I'm doing "elastic search getting started" tutorial. Unfortunatelly this tutorial doesn't cover first step which is importing csv
database into elasticsearch.
I googled to find solution but it doesn't work unfortunatelly. Here is what I want to achieve and what I have:
I have a file with data which I want to import (simplified)
10,Homer's Night Out
12,Krusty Gets Busted
I would like to import it using logstash
. After research over the internet I end up with following config:
input {
file {
path => ["simpsons_episodes.csv"]
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
csv {
columns => [
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
hosts => [""]
index => "simpsons"
document_type => "episode"
workers => 1
I have a trouble with specifying document type so once data is imported and I navigate to http://localhost:9200/simpsons/episode/10 I expect to see result with episode 10.
Good job, you're almost there, you're only missing the document ID. You need to modify your elasticsearch
output like this:
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
hosts => [""]
index => "simpsons"
document_type => "episode"
document_id => "%{id}" <---- add this line
workers => 1
After this you'll be able to query episode with id 10
GET http://localhost:9200/simpsons/episode/10