Top "Css3pie" questions

CSS3 PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-9 capable of rendering several of the CSS3 decoration features.

css3 text-shadow in IE9

Is there an easy way to have css3 text-shadow's working in IE9? At least a single text shadow would be …

internet-explorer-9 css3pie css
Using CSS3Pie htc for border-radius in IE8

I'm using the CSS3Pie htc file to enable border-radius in IE8, but I'm getting no effect. My CSS is: …

css css3pie html-components
where do I put the file (for making IE work with CSS3) when I'm using cakephp

I'm trying to use, which is a script which hopefully will allow me to use CSS3 features in …

internet-explorer css css3pie
How to apply -webkit-gradient to IE?

I have the following css code: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, from(#5AE), to(#036)); Which displays the background very …

internet-explorer css webkit css3pie
CSS3 and PIE not working in IE 8

Im trying to demo CSS3PIE and it wont work in IE at all. HTML: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//…

html internet-explorer css css3pie
Modernizr, html5shiv, ie7.js, and CSS3 Pie. Which to use and when?

I'm just starting to use HTML5 and CSS3 in my documents. I understand the need for JavaScript to bring Internet …

javascript internet-explorer html modernizr css3pie
CSS3 Pie Not Working in IE8

UPDATE This would appear to be a issue with background in IE8. CSS3 PIE appears to work correctly however when …

internet-explorer-8 css css3pie
linear-gradient using CSS3 PIE in IE9 not working, IE8 does

I've decided to completely drop support for IE6 and IE7 in my website, redirecting it's users to a text-only warning …

css internet-explorer-9 css3pie linear-gradients
CSS3 Pie not working at All, tried everything

I'm trying to apply css3pie to my website, and it dosen't seem to be applied at all. I have …

css css3pie
leaflet L.control.attribution

Thank you for offering your help here. I have built a MapBox application. I wanted to add a copyright prior …

javascript leaflet css3pie