compass removes css comments in compiled css

valerio0999 picture valerio0999 · May 29, 2014 · Viewed 8.6k times · Source

i really need having my comments compiled in the final css file of my compass project, but all my comments are deleted while compiling.

i tried setting line_comments = true in the config.rb file and i get the line comments, but not my own comments.

how can i solve this?

i'm using liferay cms, and the outdated version of our css minifier doesn't minify mediaqueries the right way so in production, all my mediaqueries won't work unless i write this little comment:

@media all and /*!YUI compressor*/ (max-width: 480px) {}

is there a way to tell compass not to delete my own comments? thanks a lot!


SVS picture SVS · Jun 28, 2015

Here is my way of removing comments from compiled CSS is:

Use // to all the comments you don't want to be shown after compilation

Use /* */ normal CSS comments for comments you want to see in your compiled CSS.

For example, You don't want to show the comments of Grid mixins just add // before the normal css comments

///*=============== Grid Mixins =================*/