I'm using JetBrains PhpStorm, which is probably the most epic IDE I've ever used.
The question is simple. How do I add Compass syntax support to it? I've got it installed, it renders and works, but PhpStorm still complains about undefined imports and mixins.
How can I resolve this? Can Compass be included as an external library?
Edit: I'd just like to note that this feature request is for the RubyMine IDE (also by JetBrains), it's not for PhpStorm/WebStorm.
It's explanation of Martin's answer. Symlink to compass gem directory in your sass folder works great.
cd projectname\sass
mklink /d compass $GEM_LOCATION\frameworks\compass\stylesheets\compass
, as for me $GEM_LOCATION = C:\dev\Ruby200\lib\ruby\gems\2.0.0\gems\compass-0.12.2
Thats all, now PhpStorm will not highlight compass mixins as errors, and will add them in autocomplete suggestions.
Warning: If you want to delete created symlink DON'T use delete, it will remove source directory.
open cmd with admin privileges, cd $yourProjectSassPath
, and run rmdir compass