How to add Compass syntax support to Jetbrains PhpStorm?

Madara's Ghost picture Madara's Ghost · Nov 3, 2012 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I'm using JetBrains PhpStorm, which is probably the most epic IDE I've ever used.

The question is simple. How do I add Compass syntax support to it? I've got it installed, it renders and works, but PhpStorm still complains about undefined imports and mixins.

How can I resolve this? Can Compass be included as an external library?

Edit: I'd just like to note that this feature request is for the RubyMine IDE (also by JetBrains), it's not for PhpStorm/WebStorm.


Maxim picture Maxim · Dec 16, 2012

It's explanation of Martin's answer. Symlink to compass gem directory in your sass folder works great.


  1. open cmd with admin privileges
  2. change path to your project sass folder, for example cd projectname\sass
  3. run mklink /d compass $GEM_LOCATION\frameworks\compass\stylesheets\compass, as for me $GEM_LOCATION = C:\dev\Ruby200\lib\ruby\gems\2.0.0\gems\compass-0.12.2

Thats all, now PhpStorm will not highlight compass mixins as errors, and will add them in autocomplete suggestions.

Warning: If you want to delete created symlink DON'T use delete, it will remove source directory. open cmd with admin privileges, cd $yourProjectSassPath, and run rmdir compass