Top "Css-sprites" questions

CSS Sprites is a CSS technique to combine small images into one big image and then access them using the background-position property.

Z-index problem in IE7 with jQuery Superfish menu plugin

I needed to modify jQuery Superfish menu plugin to accommodate using image for the menu. There are submenus under Om …

css internet-explorer-7 z-index css-sprites superfish
Compass: generate Sprites, plus width / height on each images in the sprite

I'm using Compass (a CSS Framework) to generate sprite images. It work, but compass generate only a background-position for each …

css css-sprites compass-sass sass
Why not animated GIF instead of animated CSS sprites?

In recent trends I've seen people animating CSS sprites using JavaScript instead of using animated GIFs? Ex:…

javascript animation css-sprites animated-gif
Maximum image dimensions in a browser/CSS spec?

I want to display a page containing about 6000 tiny image thumbnails (40x40 each). To avoid having to make 6000 HTTP requests, …

PNG encoded with multiple images + HTML usage

I got a PNG having multiple images encoded in it. How do I make use of all the images in …

html png css-sprites
How to give left and right padding/margin to repeated background in css3 multiple background?

What I want to do is exactly the same like in this article But in …

css css-sprites background-image
can a background image be negatively positioned to the bottom or right, or only a portion of a picture repeated?

I'm putting together a sprite and have two questions. Something I've always wondered whether possible is negatively positioning a background …

css css-sprites
How can I make a DIV behave like an IMG for use as a CSS sprite?

I have written code that automatically creates CSS sprites based on the IMG tags in a page and replaces them …

html css css-sprites
How can I make Bootstrap icons work on dark background?

I'm using the Bootswatch Cyborg theme of Twitter's Bootstrap library. However, the Cyborg theme has a dark background and light …

twitter-bootstrap css-sprites bootswatch
Center background image from sprite

I have menu as follows: <ul> <li><a href="#">First Item</a>&…

html css css-sprites