Top "Cryptography" questions


RSA Encryption Problem [Size of payload data]

is it true that RSA encryption only can handle limited payload of data ? ... im confused with the theory ... theoretically there …

cryptography rsa
NodeJS: bcrypt vs native crypto

Can someone point out the differences between the two and example situations where use each? bcrypt looks great.

node.js cryptography bcrypt
Python: reading a pkcs12 certificate with pyOpenSSL.crypto

I have a valid certificate issued by the spanish authority (FNMT) and I want to play with it to learn …

python cryptography openssl digital-certificate pyopenssl
Crypto algorithm list

I'm trying to find a list of strings that can be used a a crypto algorithm to fit into this …

javascript algorithm node.js cryptography hmac
How does this giant regex work?

I recently found the code below in one of my directories, in a file called doc.php. The file functions …

php regex security cryptography
AES128 vs AES256 using bruteforce

I came across this: I don't understand how AES128 is stronger than AES256 in a brute force attack, or how …

encryption cryptography aes combinations brute-force
Generating random IV for AES in Java

I'm implementing and AES encryption engine for PBE in android, and I've found two ways to implement the creation of …

java cryptography aes initialization-vector
Is it possible to encrypt with private key using .net RSACryptoServiceProvider?

I know that RSACryptoServiceProvider can encrypt with the public key, then it can be decrypted with the private key. Is …

.net cryptography rsa
implement RSA in .NET core

I'm trying to encrypt and decrypt some data with RSA. I've looked up teh RSA class but I'm only seeing …

.net encryption cryptography rsa
How do I get started using BouncyCastle?

So after CodingHorror's fun with encryption and the thrashing comments, we are reconsidering doing our own encryption. In this case, …

cryptography bouncycastle