Top "Crossdomain.xml" questions

A cross-domain policy file is an XML document that grants a web client—such as Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, etc.

Can someone post a well formed crossdomain.xml sample?

I've been reading that Adobe has made crossdomain.xml stricter in flash 9-10 and I'm wondering of someone can paste …

flash crossdomain.xml
What is crossdomain.xml file?

Actually I wish I knew where to start from... I have embedded an third party SWF image gallery control, in … flash cross-domain swfobject crossdomain.xml
How can I fix a Flash security error #2048

I have having an error in flash #2048. Everything I can find points to the fact this this is a security …

flash security crossdomain.xml
Flex - Security Sandbox violation - ERROR#2048

So if i put -http://xxx.xx.xx.x/website/website.html and try to use an HTTPService with in …

actionscript-3 flash crossdomain.xml
Why is Flash demanding a crossdomain.xml file when the .swf and http target are both on localhost?

I've got a small client/server test application where I have a Flex app that makes an HTTP request of …

flash apache-flex actionscript-3 crossdomain.xml
where we can place crossdomain.xml

Hi I have deployed my flex application on application(_http://myserver:11090/apps) and using proxy server (web server - _https://…

JqueryAjax Webservice and Crossdomain problem

i am having problem with my Jqueryajax call that will consume one of my web service method via cross domain. … jquery ajax web-services crossdomain.xml
How do I specify a crossdomain policy file to allow Flash to grab a bitmap from an RTMP (Wowza) video stream?

I'm trying to get a bitmap/snapshot of a Wowza video stream playing on my client, like so: var bitmapData:…

video rtmp crossdomain.xml
Silverlight WCF + SSL security error - crossdomain.xml never requested

(I see several questions related to my problem but none of the solutions work for me as I am encountering …

wcf silverlight-4.0 https crossdomain.xml clientaccesspolicy.xml
flex load policy file crossdomain.xml

I want to place my crossdomain.xml file in a different location than the root because it just creates to …

apache-flex crossdomain.xml