Cross-domain refers to web applications that communicate outside of their hosting domain / web server.
How I can fix this block if everything happen inside of my domain? [blocked] The page at '…
c# html cross-domain episerverI have 2 parts in my app - Angular frontend and rails server. And because it's different domains, requests doesn't work …
javascript ruby-on-rails angularjs cross-domain angular-httpFirst of all, I assume a backend that control inputs to prevent XSS vulnerabilities. In this answer @Les Hazlewood explain …
cookies jwt cross-domain csrf same-origin-policyi have a webpage which is housing my iFrame which is from a different domain. Now i have a button …
javascript jquery html cross-domain cross-domain-policyI'm trying to get the Yahoo Weather with JavaScript. I originally made a proxy, but found that clumsy. So can …
json cross-domain weather yahoo-apiI have a cross-domain policy file I wish to add to a Tomcat server I have. If the tomcat is …
tomcat cross-domain localhost cross-domain-policyI Got Following Error While Calling API From AJAX Jquery. Access to XMLHttpRequest at '…
javascript jquery ajax cross-domain jquery-ajaxqI have a web application that uses jQuery.ajax to perform a request to another host (right now actually the …
ajax http cookies cross-domain same-origin-policyI am working on project using Django and React using Rest Framework. I have set CORS_ALLOW_ALL_ORIGINS=True …
reactjs django django-rest-framework cross-domain django-cors-headersI have domain with configured restangular: RestangularProvider.setDefaultHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }); RestangularProvider.setDefaultHttpFields({ 'withCredentials': true }); …
angularjs cross-domain cors restangular cross-domain-policy