Mechanism typical to ORM frameworks that allows the creation of queries against a database in a dynamic and object-oriented fashion.
I have my entity class available via a method. I'm trying to figure out, how via the JPA JPQL or …
java jpa criteria criteria-apiI am struggling with the Hibernate Criteria API. In class Conversation I have: @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true) @JoinTable(…
hibernate alias criteria restrictionsI need help on creating hibernate criteria for nested object. For example : class office{ Integer id; OfficeDetails cmdData ; } class OfficeDetails { …
hibernate grails criteriaI was using hibernate but i heard that spring-data-jpa is the best so i try it and i'm satisfy with …
spring hibernate jpa criteria spring-datapublic class SearchText { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string Text { get; set; } } public class SearchTextLog { public virtual …
nhibernate criteria aggregate nhibernate-projectionsI have a problem with hibernate and criterias. I have two Classes: public class Place{ long id; String name; Set&…
java hibernate criteria restrictionsThe following criteria query calculates the average of rating of different groups of products. CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder=entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<…
hibernate jpa criteria criteria-api havingIn my model I have an abstract "User" class, and multiple subclasses such as Applicant, HiringManager, and Interviewer. They are …
hibernate jpa polymorphism criteria detachedcriteria