I have a problem with hibernate and criterias. I have two Classes:
public class Place{
long id;
String name;
Set<Street> streets;
public class Street{
long id;
String name;
Place place;
I now want to write a method which returns a list of places with a name like given in parameters and a street named like given in parameters.
public List<Place> findPlaces(String name, String streetname){
//getSession() gives me a hibernate session
Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(Place.class, "place");
crit.add(Restrictions.like("name", name+"%"));
//Everything works fine until here
//Last step: Sort out all places not containing a street named like streetname + "%"
I tried different ways for the last step:
//streetList is a list of all streets named like streetname
crit.add(Restrictions.in("streets", streetList));
Another way:
DetachedCriteria strasseCrit = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Street.class, "street");
streetCrit.add(Restrictions.like("street.name", streetname + "%"));
streetCrit.createAlias("street.place", "streetPlace");
streetCrit.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("streetPlace.id", "place.id"));
last way:
crit.createAlias("place.streets", "street");
crit.add(Restrictions.like("street.name", streetname + "%"));
I hope you can understand my problem and sorry for my bad english :(
I searched for a solution for two days and I do not know how to go on...
Greetings form Germany :) Philipp
public List<Place> findPlaces(String name, String streetname){
Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(Place.class, "place");
criteria.createAlias("streets", "s"); // Create alias for streets
crit.add(Restrictions.like("s.name", name+"%"));
// continue method