Top "Cql3" questions

Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is a SQL (Structured Query Language)-like language for querying Cassandra.

Understanding the Token Function in Cassandra

Hello I was reading the Cassandra documentation on Token Function, I am trying to achieve pagination for a Cassandra table, …

cassandra pagination cql cql3
Alter cassandra column family primary key using cassandra-cli or CQL

I am using Cassandra 1.2.5. After creating a column family in Cassandra using cassandra-cli, is it possible to modify the primary …

cassandra cql cql3 cassandra-cli cqlsh
Cassandra order and clustering key

I have this table: CREATE TABLE custumer_events_service.events_by_websiteId_time( "event_id" text, "currentTime" timestamp, "websiteId" varchar, …

database cassandra cql cql3
Clustering Order using timeuuid CQL

My Usecase I want to order by timestamp DESC for the results. But I don't want timestamp to be the …

cassandra cql cql3
Drop all keyspaces in cassandra

How to drop all keyspace in cassandra, I have requirement where I have to delete all keyspaces created by some …

cassandra cql3 cqlsh
When cassandra-driver was executing the query, cassandra-driver returned error OperationTimedOut

I use python script, that passes to cassandra batch query, like this: query = 'BEGIN BATCH ' + 'insert into ... ; insert into ... ; …

python cassandra cql3
Cassandra selective copy

I want to copy selected rows from a columnfamily to a .csv file. The copy command is available just to …

cassandra cql cql3
cassandra add column if not exists

I need to insert a new column into an existing column family via a CQL script. I want to do …

cassandra database-schema cql3
Inserting arbitrary columns in Cassandra using CQL3

Prior to CQL3 one could insert arbitrary columns such as columns that are named by a date: cqlsh:test>…

cassandra cql cql3
how to avoid secondary indexes in cassandra?

I have heard repeatedly that secondary indexes (in cassandra) is only for convenience but not for better performance. The only …

cql3 cassandra-2.0 secondary-indexes