Top "Cql3" questions

Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is a SQL (Structured Query Language)-like language for querying Cassandra.

SELECT Specific Value from map

I am trying to create a WIDE Column Table, 20,000+ columns Initially I was thinking I would use: CREATE TABLE details ( …

cassandra cql cql3
Finding distinct values of non Primary Key column in CQL Cassandra

I use the following code for creating table: CREATE KEYSPACE mykeyspace WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; USE mykeyspace; CREATE …

select cassandra distinct cql cql3
Create Cassandra table using cql3 with default TTL

Is it possible to create a table that has a default TTL for all rows that are inserted into it, …

cassandra cql3 ttl
Cassandra NOT EQUAL Operator

Question to all Cassandra experts out there. I have a column family with about a million records. I would like …

mapreduce cassandra cql3
Can I create a secondary index on multiple columns in cassandra

Can I create a secondary index on multiple columns in cassandra? like can I do create index my_composite_index …

cassandra cql cql3
how to construct range query in cassandra?

CREATE TABLE users ( userID uuid, firstname text, lastname text, state text, zip int, age int, PRIMARY KEY (userID) ); I want …

cql cql3 cassandra-2.0
Error: unable to connect to cassandra server. Unconfigured table

I am trying to connect to cassandra, which is running on local desktop, via cassandra-driver for python using this simple …

python cassandra cql cql3
Cassandra: get column names of a columnfamily?

I'm wondering if there is a query in CQL3 that allows you to get column names of a specific columnfamily …

cassandra cql cql3
Cassandra Error - Clustering column cannot be restricted (preceding column is restricted by a non-EQ relation)

We are using Cassandra as the data historian for our fleet management solution. We have a table in Cassandra , which …

cassandra cql datastax-enterprise cql3
How can I have null column value for a composite key column in CQL3

This may sound silly as there are no null values in SQL's composite primary key. But just want to confirm …

cassandra cql cql3 playorm