The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design.
Can someone please give an actual example of function that returns map in c++. I tried answers from other posts …
c++ function return stdmap cpprest-sdkI have a small server that listens to http requests using Casablanca / cpprestsdk. I've seen that other APIs provide this …
c++ windows http casablanca cpprest-sdkI create a CLR project in visual c++ with 64 bit configuration, and try to use cpprestsdk aka casablanca 64bit. But …
c++ visual-c++ clr cpprest-sdkI am trying to create a Windows-based VC++ DLL (in VS 2015) that statically links to the Casablanca CPPREST SDK. That …
visual-c++ cpprest-sdk