Top "Coupling" questions

What is the difference between loose coupling and tight coupling in the object oriented paradigm?

Can any one describe the exact difference between loose coupling and tight coupling in Object oriented paradigm?

oop object coupling
Cohesion and Decoupling, what do they represent?

What are Cohesion and Decoupling? I found information about coupling but not about decoupling.

oop decoupling coupling cohesion
How to solve the violations of the Law of Demeter?

A colleague and I designed a system for our customer, and in our opinion we created a nice clean design. …

language-agnostic design-patterns coupling law-of-demeter
What is the difference between afferent couplings and efferent couplings of a class?

Code quality metric tool like Sonar does provide the ability to drill down to a class and find out the …

oop sonarqube code-metrics coupling
Java 1.4: Cast primitive type to Object (Coupling vs Performance?)

This is actually related to a question I asked earlier, but I was left hanging on this detail. I'm restricted …

java performance coupling
CBO coupling between object

I don't understand what "CBO-Coupling between object classes" really means. The definition I found is so short that I think …

oop decoupling coupling
Model Using Modules in Rails Application

I have a model that requires loading external data from an auxiliary source. A number of web services exist that …

ruby-on-rails ruby coupling decoupling
Separation of game and rendering logic

What is the best way to separate rendering code from the actually game engine/logic code? And is it even …

design-patterns coupling
Reducing coupling simple example needed for beginner

Just out of college and am coming across some code where I need to reduce coupling. But I don’t …

c# decoupling coupling loose-coupling