Top "Countif" questions

COUNTIF is an Excel function which allows for the counting of values in a range where the values meet a criterion.

How do I count not equal to wildcard characters in Excel?

Using COUNTIF(range,"<>") can I count non-empty cells and with COUNTIF(range,"~?") or COUNTIF(range,"~*") can I calculate …

excel excel-2007 worksheet-function countif
Excel VBA Countif between dates

I am needing to create a function to count the occurrences of an account number between two dates. The first …

function date excel countif vba
COUNTIF can't count non-blank formula results?

I am looking for a criterion to use in =countif(range_of_formulas, [criterion]) that will identify non-blank results of …

excel excel-formula countif
iterate row by row COUNTIF using ArrayFormula on Google Sheets

I am trying to iterate a COUNTIF formula that counts the number of cells in each row containing numbers greater …

google-sheets spreadsheet countif array-formulas
Array CountIf Substitute - Count(Match())

Core Question How can I perform repeated CountIf()s on a range as efficiently (performance-wise) as possible? Concerns in Detail …

arrays excel vba countif
Excel CountifS. Criteria multi-column ranges. Non-ordered comparison test

It's my first question here, so please don't kill me if something is wrong. I have found numerous solutions on …

excel range countif