This proprietary Apple framework for iOS and Mac OS X allows apps to obtain information on a device's current location (latitude, longitude, and on some devices, altitude), direction and speed.
I am trying to build and run the example of the Big Nerd Ranch book: iOS Programming, chapter4. …
iphone core-location ios-4.2I've prepared in my project the following class to retrieve the user current location: LocationManager.swift import Foundation import CoreLocation …
ios swiftui core-location cllocationmanagerUsing the sample code provided from WWDC, I've been trying to write a simple proof-of-concept app that performs indoor positioning …
ios iphone gps core-location indoor-positioning-systemIOS4 has recently introduced the possibility to enable/disable location services for a specific application. I need to detect if …
iphone core-location cllocationmanagerI have a Core Data database with latitude and longitude properties. Is there a way to use Core Location's getDistanceFrom: …
iphone objective-c cocoa-touch core-data core-locationMy project worked perfectly on simulator+device, but now, after upgrading to lion os and xcode 4.1, I get this error …
iphone core-location osx-lion xcode4.1I'm trying to build an iOS app that displays the total distance travelled when running or walking. I've read and …
objective-c ios core-location cllocationmanager cllocationI'm currently working on a location tracking app and I have difficulties with inaccurate location updates from my CLLocationManager. This …
ios objective-c gps location core-location