Top "Copy" questions

To copy is to create a duplicate of an object without destroying the original.

How to copy files from 'assets' folder to sdcard?

I have a few files in the assets folder. I need to copy all of them to a folder say /…

android copy assets
CentOS: Copy directory to another directory

I'm working with a CentOS server. I have a folder named test located in /home/server/folder/test. I need …

linux centos copy cp
Copy struct to struct in C

I want to copy an identical struct into another and later on use it as a comparance to the first …

c struct copy microchip
Eclipse copy/paste entire line keyboard shortcut

Anyone know the keyboard shortcut to copy/paste a line into a new line in Eclipse, without having to highlight …

java eclipse copy keyboard-shortcuts paste
Copying HTML code in Google Chrome's inspect element

I have a website of which I want to copy an HTML code from - how do I copy all …

html google-chrome copy google-chrome-devtools inspect-element
Copy multiple files in Python

How to copy all the files present in one directory to another directory using Python. I have the source path …

python file copy
How do you copy the contents of an array to a std::vector in C++ without looping?

I have an array of values that is passed to my function from a different part of the program that …

c++ stl vector copy
How to export dataGridView data Instantly to Excel on button click?

I have 10k rows and 15 column in my data grid view. I want to export this data to an excel …

c# datagridview copy export-to-excel export-to-csv
How can I create a copy of an object in Python?

I would like to create a copy of an object. I want the new object to possess all properties of …

python oop object copy
Copying one structure to another

I know that I can copy the structure member by member, instead of that can I do a memcpy on …

c struct copy