Converters can change data from one type to another, translate data based on cultural information, or modify other aspects of presentation.
I´m searching for a way to convert PDF XFA files to normal PDF files which could be than processed …
pdf compression converter xfaEvery user will be able to upload 100 TIFF (black and white) images. The process requires: Convert tif to jpg. Resize …
php image imagemagick converter imagemagick-convertI'm trying to inject a ManagedBean in my FacesConverted the following way: @ManagedBean @RequestScoped @FacesConverter(forClass = Group.class) public class …
jsf dependency-injection jsf-2 converter managed-beanWhenever the getAsString function is called of timeConverter I am getting number format exception at line long timeMillis=Long.parseLong(…
java jsf jsf-2 converter numberformatexceptionI have Cinema 4D, Photoshop and Inkscape. I have a bunch of vector graphics stuff in Inkscape that I would …
converter photoshop vector-graphics inkscape cinema-4d