Top "Converter" questions

Converters can change data from one type to another, translate data based on cultural information, or modify other aspects of presentation.

PDF XFA File convert to "normal" PDF file

I´m searching for a way to convert PDF XFA files to normal PDF files which could be than processed …

pdf compression converter xfa
How to speed up a complex image processing?

Every user will be able to upload 100 TIFF (black and white) images. The process requires: Convert tif to jpg. Resize …

php image imagemagick converter imagemagick-convert
Dozer custom converter ID mapping: Object to Long and Long to Object via DozerConverter getParameter

I need help configuring my dozer mapping file. Mainly I would like to know how to get User user obejct …

spring mapping converter gwt-rpc dozer
ManagedProperty not injected in @FacesConverter

I'm trying to inject a ManagedBean in my FacesConverted the following way: @ManagedBean @RequestScoped @FacesConverter(forClass = Group.class) public class …

jsf dependency-injection jsf-2 converter managed-bean
convert txt packet data to pcap format to open it by Wireshark

Hi I am working on application where I have to read live packets from network work on it. And display …

java text converter pcap
How to convert RTF to Markdown on the UNIX/OSX command line similar to pandoc

How do I convert RTF (say from stdin) to Markdown with a command line tool under UNIX/OSX. I am …

macos unix converter markdown rtf
grails.converters.JSON except few properties

I am using grails-1.3.2 and hbase-0.2.4. I have the following domain class: class MyClass{ String val1 String val2 String val3 //…

json grails groovy render converter
Cannot convert string to long

Whenever the getAsString function is called of timeConverter I am getting number format exception at line long timeMillis=Long.parseLong(…

java jsf jsf-2 converter numberformatexception
Why is the double-dabble algorithm working?

I am trying to understand why the double-dabble algorithm is working, but I am not getting it. There are a …

algorithm binary numbers converter bcd
How can I convert an SVG file to a format read by Cinema 4D as Vector (like Adobe Illustrator ai file)

I have Cinema 4D, Photoshop and Inkscape. I have a bunch of vector graphics stuff in Inkscape that I would …

converter photoshop vector-graphics inkscape cinema-4d