I have Cinema 4D, Photoshop and Inkscape. I have a bunch of vector graphics stuff in Inkscape that I would like to bring in as vectors into Cinema 4D to make 3D objects. I have found tutorials that talk about using Photoshop to create an Adobe Illustrator *.ai
file. If I make a path in Photoshop and save as an ai file I can import into Cinema 4D and it works. My problem is that if I import the Inkscape SVG file it comes in as a bitmap and I have retrace the image to create the path. That would be a lot of retracing.
I got uniconvertor and installed it via the "sudo python setup.py install". If I use the command line to attempt to convert nothing happens. If I look for help "uniconvertor --help" nothing happens. No error no output. Inkscape seems to use it because now I do not get errors when I did before it was installed. But it really doesn't seem to be working.
So, my ultimate question is how can I take my Inkscape vector drawings and get them into Cinema 4D as a vector to make 3D objects of them (suspect being able to somehow convert to Adobe Illustrator ai file in the middle but don't know)?
I use a tool called VectorMagic (http://vectormagic.com/home) it will take any image and convert it to EPS, SVG, PDF, AI, DXF and EMF. Works seamlessly with Illustrator, Corel, and others.