Top "Convert-tz" questions

Convert from one timezone to another (MySQL)

How to Convert UTC Date To Local time Zone in MySql Select Query

I am using this Where Condition in One Of my query with MySql Database.My Problem is that i have …

mysql utc localtime convert-tz
Can MySQL convert a stored UTC time to local timezone?

Can MySQL convert a stored UTC time to local time-zoned time directly in a normal select statement? Let's say you …

mysql sql timezone convert-tz

I am trying to set up a database that stores daily alert times as specified by users. For example, the …

mysql timezone convert-tz
MySQL query for current GMT time

This sounds simple enough but I haven't been able to figure out how to use a simple SELECT statement to …

mysql datetime gmt convert-tz
convert_tz returns null

I know this sounds stupid, but when I use SELECT CONVERT_TZ('2004-01-01 12:00:00','UTC','Asia/Jakarta') AS …

mysql ubuntu-12.04 convert-tz
Convert local TIME_STAMP to UTC time

I have two tables with time stamps TABLE1 with TIME_STAMP in local time TABLE2 with TIME_STAMP in UTC …

mysql convert-tz
Solr: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Invalid Date String:

I am new to solr and this is my first attempt at indexing solr data, I am getting the following …

solr convert-tz
How to store datetimes in UTC and local timezone

What is a practical way to store datetimes so that I can let users view/query data as of their …

mysql datetime database-design timezone convert-tz
MySQL default time format UTC or GMT?

Hi I'm so confused with this UTC and GMT I'm inserting in MySQL table as ex column "event_date" like "2010…

php mysql timezone utc convert-tz