Top "Controller" questions

A controller is responsible for executing a sequence of instructions in response to some stimulus (maybe a command, action, or event).

Get checkbox values in controller mvc 4

I am trying to retrieve the checked checkbox value from a checkbox list without any success , below is the code … model controller checkboxlist
How to get entity manager for Doctrine entity with Symfony 2.1 from inside controller

How can I get an entity manager from inside a controller with latest Symfony and Doctrine? The way described in "…

symfony controller doctrine-orm
Spring-MVC Problem using @Controller on controller implementing an interface

I'm using spring 2.5 and annotations to configure my spring-mvc web context. Unfortunately, I am unable to get the following to …

java spring-mvc controller annotations
Redirect user from controller to another view MVC

I'm trying to redirect a user from a method on a controller to another view but can't get it to …

c# redirect controller actionresult
ASP.NET MVC - Should business logic exist in controllers?

Derik Whitaker posted an article a couple of days ago that hit a point that I've been curious about for … design-patterns controller business-logic
Laravel 5.1 remove controller

I have simple question on Laravel 5.1. I have created a controller using php artisan command: php artisan make:controller PageSettings …

laravel controller laravel-5 laravel-5.1 laravel-artisan
How can I run symfony 2 run command from controller

I'm wondering how can I run Symfony 2 command from browser query or from controller. Its because I don't have any …

symfony controller command
how to create global function that can be accessed from any controller and blade file

I have two controller file homecontroller and backendcontroller. What is the best way to create global function and access it …

laravel controller global

Hey I was wondering if it was at all possible in VHDL to AND two STD_LOGIC_VECTORS together. For …

controller vhdl vga